Open Stitching

Open Stitching
From wool applique to punchneedle, here are a few examples of some items you can create with just one stitch! We have many patterns in stock.
Join us to explore these techniques!
Stitching Opportunities.....
Stitch Escape
Tuesday - Friday
You are welcome any weekday to our ‘Open Table’. Come on your lunch hour, meet the girlfriends for some play, or just get away from responsibilities and phones for a bit. Stitch, knit, crochet, bead, chat; it’s all about fun.
Wednesday Workshop
Stuck on a project?
Needle little therapy?
Need to jumpstart your brain?
Sign-up for Wednesday Workshop and get going again!
Workshop is open 2nd and 4th Wednesdays 2 - 4pm $20.
Finishing Friday!
Finished stitching and put it in a drawer?
Wish you could ‘finish’ your needlework?
Confused on how it’s done?
Sign-up for Finishing Friday
to learn easy finishing techniques.
Finishing Workshop is held 4th Fridays 4 - 7pm $30.
Please sign up in advance even if it’s last minute!
We’ve discovered the great fun of stitch-a-longs; projects done at your own pace but with a group of like minded stitchers, either in person or from afar. The Stitch-a-long is open without fee to all who purchase the project.
It’s always more fun to stitch with a friend!
3rd Thursday • 4 - 7pm
Projects of Miniature Proportions
Great things do come in small packages! Many of you
know that Billie loves to stitch tiny things. So she has begun a Stitch-a-long of Petites by Erica Michaels and French Country by JBW. Whether stitched on silk gauze
or linen, these designs are fabulous little jewels.
Join us as we explore these tiny treasures. The Stitch-a-long is open without fee to all who purchase the project.
1st Thursday 4 - 7pm
Like us on Facebook and join
Projects of Miniature Proportions for up to the minute news!